Spatial Health

Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 02/16/2024

This Privacy Policy outlines the handling of information by the Spatial Health app ("the app"), developed and operated by PanQu Capital LLC. Our app offers a unique service connecting to heart rate monitors and providing personalized heart rate zone information based on the user's age, enhancing the user experience without compromising privacy.

Collection of Information

Age Information: The app collects age information directly from users to calculate personalized heart rate zones. This information is used exclusively within the app for the purpose of providing customized fitness tracking services. The age data is not stored, processed, or shared by PanQu Capital LLC; it remains on the user's device and is utilized only for in-app calculations.

Bluetooth-Enabled Services: The app uses Bluetooth to connect with compatible heart rate monitors, facilitating the display of heart rate data directly on your device. No personal data aside from age for heart rate zone calculation is recorded, stored, or transmitted.

Use of Information

The sole piece of information collected by the app—user age—is used for calculating heart rate zones within the app. This information enhances the app's functionality by enabling personalized fitness tracking tailored to the user's age.

Sharing of Information

The Spatial Health app does not share any user data, including age information. Since the app does not collect or store personal information beyond what is necessary for in-app calculations, user data remains private and secure.

Purchase Information

The app is available for a one-time purchase of $2.99 USD. Payment processing is conducted through the respective app store platforms (e.g., Apple App Store). PanQu Capital LLC does not collect or store any payment information related to the purchase.

Changes to the Policy

PanQu Capital LLC reserves the right to update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in our practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. Any updates will be effective immediately upon posting the revised policy, with an adjusted "Effective Date" at the top.

Contact Us

For questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact PanQu Capital LLC at